
Therefore the strategic aims of the project are to ensure beginning teachers build an understanding of curriculum, standards, pedagogy, and how to meet student needs.

The project's' main results:

The MENTOR project will support the growth and professional development of new teachers in secondary and high schools through mentoring. The mentoring of beginning teachers is a critical component of the induction of new teachers into the profession, making necessary connections between theory and practice, supporting the professional and personal growth of beginning teachers and providing professional-development opportunities for the mentor teacher.

unities for the mentor teacher.

How will the project help schools to achieve these aims?

These aims will be achieved by providing the teachers who have worked long in their profession, with the knowledge and skills needed to become the mentors for beginning teachers. The model of mentoring between teachers will be elaborated on the basis of the desk and questionnaires researches and tested by the teachers in their schools through the whole school year. The model will include trainings for teachers who will become mentors.